Saturday, July 2, 2016

2016 Clallam Bay Comicon almost here!

Just a reminder, to all my colleagues - the Clallam Bay Comicon is next week! July 9-10, 2016.

I hit my GoFundMe goal to fund Canadian creator Leanne Franson's trip, and have now raised the goal higher, to make it even better.

We already have a guest creator - from Europe - for 2017, but if anybody wants to line up for 2018 - it's first come, first served. And yes, I'll be running more campaigns to find travel funds.

So if you want Patrick Stewart of Johnny Depp, you better tell 'em now, because my con ins a Squeaky Wheel con - it rewards the pro-active.

If it's pretty or they can eat it, they'll buy it; tables are $25 a pop and first-come, first-served, too.

Hit the con link above for all the details! 

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